When we’re in the middle of a transition, or stuck waiting for the next transition, we might forget to express gratitude for what we already have. When we forget to express our gratitude our focus can get stuck on that which we lack. We can develop a mind focused on that which we want or need or on that which we haven’t gained or achieved. Let’s consider instead what we have already, what is enough, what we are doing well. We can develop a grateful mind.
Gratitude and Reframing Negative Thoughts
Sometimes our negative thoughts need gratitude to overcome their hold.
Reframing negative thoughts is a major task and one that I personally found challenging when I started setting goals and seeking clarity for next steps in my career.
It was an emotional task to face my limiting beliefs and see them as “bogus beliefs” (a phrase Michael Hyatt used in his lesson on limiting beliefs in his 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever course in 2017). Yet, when I started facing my bogus beliefs, I realized quickly that some of the reframing that I was struggling to live out needed the help of gratitude.
This realization of the importance of gratitude in overcoming negative beliefs led to my seeking out ways to remember to be grateful and to develop a grateful mind.
Practice Gratitude
One practice I began using to tackle bogus beliefs was to start my day thinking of three things that I could be grateful for. I thought about the previous day or found something in the current day to remember in gratitude.
Sometimes it was a detailed event or realization. Other times it was simply being thankful that I woke up or that I have a comfortable bed to sleep in. Whatever I was grateful for I wrote down in my journal.
Companies sell different types of gratitude journals. However, if you don’t want to buy a specific gratitude journal you can write what you are grateful for in a blank notebook. You can create your own gratitude journal. Mental notes about that which you are grateful for in a day might also work for some people.
However, if you want help getting started with a journaling practice and/or want help remembering to practice gratitude, consider using The 5 Minute Journal. This was the tool I used to get myself back into journaling in a more focused and positive manner.
The 5 Minute Journal also helped me develop my gratitude practice. It includes a morning section for identifying 3 things that you are grateful for as you start the day.
Develop a grateful mind
Developing a grateful mind can positively impact clarity and progress.
It removes the focus from all that we lack and encourages a refocusing on that which we do have.
I mentioned the importance of gratitude when I shared how negativity affected my clarity and when I wrote about using gratitude to embrace the small changes.
What does it take to practice gratitude and develop a grateful mind?
Do you use a gratitude journal and if so what journal do you use?
Answer the questions in the comments and leave a note on how you stay grateful.
Behavior Challenge: Gratitude is a type of reflection that can start anytime. Make a list of 3 things that you are grateful for.
Give thanks in all things for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. I Thessalonians 5:18.